Since Chapter 9, I’ve been sketching scenes on paper. This has allowed me to ignore panel layouts and focus on how I’m envisioning things. It also allows me to work from anywhere I want, instead of tethered to my desk and uncomfortable chair. (I really need a better chair. So much back and butt pain.) On the previous post here, most of those sketches were my second pass after I figured out the page layouts.

The paper process is a chance for me to try different ideas and mess with the dialogue (adding/removing/tweaking). Nothing is set in stone until the page is posted.

I’ve been using Hammermill paper (Color Copy Digital 11″ x 17″) for these sketches. I don’t remember how I ended up with this paper, but it feels so nice to work on. (I looked up the cost for a ream and this has to be the most expensive “sketch” paper I’ve ever used.) D:

➤ Chapter 11 – Titles: Patreon