This marks the end of Chapter 2.

Designing the castle was a bit of a chore, so I used Google SketchUp to create a model for reference. In the end, I went for a “speedpainted” look. The castle does extend further back on the island, which will be seen in later chapters. It’s a hodgepodge structure, but more on that in the next chapter.

In the beginning of this chapter, I mentioned that I would refrain from commenting on pages, or even have commentary. (Though I did break my own rule and comment a few times.) The next chapter, however, you’ll hear more commentary from me.

I’ll be changing my coloring technique again for Chapter 3. As I said earlier, coloring this chapter took twice as long, whereas cel-shading is more streamline for me. My goal is to one day comfortably update 3 times a week. And perhaps that will happen when I’m working on the comic full time. *fingers crossed* And maybe… one day I’ll get a Cintiq. (Ha! I’ll need to win the lottery first.) Until then, it’s part time and a beaten-up old Intuos2.