The next update will be the 500th-page milestone! Milestones are one thing, and buffers are another. While I’ve been visiting family, I haven’t had much free time to work on pages. Typically, I like to finish two pages a week, but lately, I’ve only managed to finish one this past week and a half. Page 25 is the last page completed. The fear is real! D:

During this trip, I made a couple of eye appointments and learned that I have elevated pressure in my eyes. I’ve always suffered from severe nearsightedness, and while my retinas are thin, I never had any other issues until now. I wonder if this is what’s been causing the random blurriness and strange lights I’ve been seeing. The retina specialist said that could be the cause, but that’s something my regular eye doctor needs to deal with. *shrug* I do know that I’m not seeing things like I normally have, and that terrifies me. Even more concerning is when one of my favorite things to do is art. I have seen myself racing against some unseen finish line when it comes to my comic. The good news, though, my retinas are the same since the last visit–incredibly thin but with no tears or detachments. *phew*

Chapter 10 – Page 23 (page 500):Patreon