Thank you to all who have shown their support this past week, either through words or donations! :D The first appointment in this busy month will be for my retinas on Monday. The following Monday is for the crown on my tooth. I also have a visual field test on the 30th. I’ve known for a while now that my left eye has a lot of blind spots, but my right eye makes up for it. Everything that’s been happening now has been my right eye. -_- I also made the mistake and took a deep dive into glaucoma and eventual vision loss. As long as I can still see to draw…

Other news: I went to get my hair cut. I wanted a pixie but was talked out of it by the stylist. She said something about my hair’s natural waviness and “cowlicks” and that styling it will be a pain. She’s the professional, right? Now my hair looks like a helmet. I hate it.

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