Jack is always getting things marked, branded, and stabbed into his forehead.

Valentine’s Day is here! I made two images for this year’s VDSD event. One for my main comic, and one for BISQUE. Both are ❗NSFW❗

In other news, as I mentioned before, I go to a “food drop” on Fridays (the reason why updates are a couple of hours later now), and today seemed to be as uneventful as the other ones. But there was something that caught me off guard today. The people who run the giveaway change things up each time. It’s new for them, and every week, they add new rules. It’s no longer a free for all like it was in the beginning. And they’re actually not allowing people early entry. They have also limited people to 2 meat products, while everything was a “no limit.” Well, it’s now become “two items only” for meat and another table filled with a variety of things. The breads and pastries are unlimited, but it was stressed to not take all you want. I’m fine with that. I want it all to be fair for everyone. I’m not going to take all I can because I can. I’m going to have my own limits. When I get there I’m the fourth person in line, which was nice since they always have less than 5 cartons of eggs. Today was the day I was getting eggs! (I know it’s a strange thing to be happy about.) Anyway, they allow five people inside at a time and as I get my two empty bags to fill, I’m ushered to the pastry/bread section. The woman in front of me hung back and whispered to me something I can’t get out of my head. “Get all you want, don’t listen to them,” she urgently said, almost gleefully. “Everyone else is small, they don’t matter. I just wanted to say that to you. They’re the small ones, only you matter, so take all you want.” I was flabbergasted. What she said and how she said it felt very cold. She kept stressing about how everyone is insignificant. This must be how she walks through life. But that’s not me. That will never be me. I always think about others and what is fair. If someone needs something more than me, I’m more than willing to do without. I have listened to how some of these people think and how narcissistic they sound, and it’s completely disheartening. I’ve always been an empathic person, and a lot of people around me see that as a flaw. I just can’t live like that–think like that. Maybe that’s why most of my family sees me as weak or this “bleeding heart” who will always let people walk all over me. How is empathy considered a flaw? Anyway, today’s experience makes me not want to go back for these food giveaways. Blah. Sorry for the rant, I just wanted to get that off my chest.

Page 20 ✨ is on Patreon for $1+ tiers, plus a bonus image of the page’s original sketch.