I’ve been slowly changing Sol’s appearance over the years. It’s been small changes here and there, but it’s also something I’m not fighting. The whole “evolution of style” plays a part as well as how I’m feeling at the time of sketching and inking. I’ve also noticed while working on BISQUE, I’m loosening up more and I’ve noticed my style shifting in real-time. Rather than redraw things to look/feel “correct,” I’m letting go and keeping things loose and fun.

🧜🏻‍♀️ Chapter 1, Part 5 of BISQUE was posted this week.
Bisque Update

The pollen has exploded where I live. Now my eyes, nose, and skin are feeling the effects of the tree splooge. And once this page is posted, I need to go outside to do yard work. Maybe I can wear a mask and goggles. 🥽

Page 24 ✨ is on Patreon for $1+ tiers, plus a bonus image of the page’s original sketch, and with a slightly different commentary.