The whole teeth removal was a strange experience. I’m glad I was out for all of it. Even on the way home, I was in and out and all-time seemed to blur. I also got to keep my teeth. :D (I heard that some places don’t allow that.) I’m still healing and will probably stick to soups and soft foods for another week. I never realized how much I missed chewing food. I REALLY WANT PIZZA! But I have another worry. I signed a waiver before surgery that mentioned the possibility of damage to other teeth and that they wouldn’t be responsible. I didn’t think much of it. However, one of my other molars was damaged. It was one that was already chipped and needed to be fixed, but now it needs a root canal. wtf. Here we go again. This makes 2 more root canals I need to get. Not now, though. I can’t deal with this at the moment. Blah.

The annual Valentine’s Day post happened this week.

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