What-the-what?! My Patreon exploded lately–exploded in a good way! I finally broke $200. 😲 I’m going to be making a “Thank You” image for Patreon, and while I’m afraid it will dip below $200 before it’s finished, I’ll have it ready to go in the future. Getting to the $250 goal is becoming a real possibility, and at that goal, I’ll be going back and making the previous chapters available as CBR/PDF downloads. (And most likely at the higher resolution, as well.)

Thank you all for the support!

(A quick animation I made for the occasion.)

EDIT: I forgot to mention, due to an influx of spam in the comments, I disabled the ability to post links. I thought the spam would die down, but I saw I had 500+ posts waiting for me in Pending.

Page 39 has manifested on Patreon at the $1 tier.